"The other helpful hint is more of an observation -- do not go into the zone looking to capture a Chansey, because if you do, you will fail. You will have epic fail after epic fail. Why? Because the game knows you are trying to get a Chansey. It just KNOWS man. And because it knows, it will do everything that it can to cause you to fail, because that is how Karma works, and you should not have stolen little Susy Smith's apple pie from her lunch box that time in Second Grade, man. Yeah, that's right!
Karma knows what you did, and Karma will punish you. Oh yeah! But Karma can be fooled -- so when you go into the zone, just you know, nonchalantly say to the room, "If I catch a Chansey, cool, but I am not here you know, just to do that... I am here to relax man, this is my vacation from being a Pokemon Trainer and I am here to have fun, not capture a Chansey!" This will lull the game into a false sense of security, because it thinks you are not really there to capture Chansey, so it will not get in the way if you happen to pull one, thus giving you much better odds at actually capturing it. What? You do not believe me? Well, go try it my way and you will see, I am totally right about this!"
..and that, my friends, is pokemon philosophy.
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